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You are a "new member" if you have never been an AWCMS member before. If you have ever been a member before, please use the Renewing membership form.


We are pleased you are considering becoming a member of the Alliance. There are two ways to submit your application (see below). Once your application is completed and paid, you may sign up for access to the membership section of this website (upper right corner of each page under the "Donate" button).


To complete your membership application and pay online fill out the application below. Dues payments are processed through PayPal using either a PayPal account, bank account or major credit card. If you would like to use PayPal, but don't yet have an account, you will be given an opportunity to create one when you check out.


To mail in your application and payment, please print out our application, complete it and send it with a check to the address at the top of the application form.


MISSION: AWCMS advances the health of the community through educational and philanthropic works, health programs and support of Washoe County Medical Society (WCMS).


PLEASE NOTE: Only paid members will be listed in the AWCMS 2024 - 2025 Directory. To be included in the Directory, your application and payment must be received by August 31.

Dues Notice for year June 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025

Please complete the following. This will appear in the Directory sent to all members. 

NOTE: Any application received after August 31, 2024 will NOT appear in the Directory

Any additional donation to our Endowment Fund for philanthropic efforts is greatly appreciated.

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